Locativeaudio is a collaborative project including simultaneous soundwalks, and interactive works exploring geolocative audio and media in the urban context. This practice-led project investigates human interaction with cities from a sonic perspective and in a number of cases connects the urban experience with the ritual of the concert hall, art gallery or museum (in both directions).
I have composed a number of pieces using locativeaudio and interactive media technology, such has Hu or [5] and implemented it in existing pieces such as Ho - a sonic expedition to vietnam.
LocativeAudio Projects to date:
- City As Encrypted Message (Upcoming)
- City As Network & Hyperwalk
- City As Game / City As Concert Hall
- City As Augmented Aurality
- City As Museum / City As Instrument
For instance, City as Network consisted ofsimultaneous walks which took place in the cities of Valencia, Malaga, Virginia, Gävle, Avignon, Linz, Grenoble, Volos, Hanoi, and Tempere. In Valencia we recreated Val del Omar's 1939-45 Circuito Perifonico in collaboration with the UPV - Universidad Politecnica de Valencia and Galleria Valle Orti. The project was run by the NOVARS Research Centre, University of Manchester and funded by SALC's Research Network Fund, University of Manchester. Previous editions were kindly funded by cities@manchester.
Pictured above LocativeAudio participants starting the Val del Omar Circuit in Valencia (April 2013)
City As Augmented Aurality was sponsored by Cities@manchester and realised in Manchester.It comprised five concatenated compositions using smartphone-soundwalks as sonic narratives, which combined reality with sonic fiction. We made use of GPS AudioGuides by NoTours/Escoitar, building stories as geo-tagged audiofiles which were informed by historical events and our artistic impressions of the city. We also included a number of other small projects related to cities and places.
With renewed support by Cities@manchester, City As Game / City As Concert Hall was a new Locative Audio Project to took prior explorations a step further by connecting the 'Augmented Aurality CityTours' with 'The Concert Hall'. We invited a number of participants from the UK and abroad to share their creative thinking with us, combining Location-based Audio and Media with game-physics-audio engine technologies often found in the production of virtual environments and games.
Manchester Sonic-Metaontology had two editions, where I composed Hu (2011), a radiophonic puzzle set in China Town, Manchester, UK, using the concept of augmented aurality with gps tracking developed by escoitar.org and NoTours.