The Blog

Blog Diary - Japan: Sept 2019 - Jan 2020
Finding the Uncanny Valley in Nihon
This log includes a number of raw ideas and progressive thinking as the investigation advances. It is not meant to be a chronological report of activities and conclusions but rather a series of concatenated steps on a roadmap for decision making and navigation throughout creative ideas. These may include technical research as well as fieldwork in Japan. Both informed by readings froms scholars an inspiring media exploring stage co-presence, immersive media interactivity and vocal experimentation and amateurism.

Musical Duels
A portfolio of Virtual Instruments to battle audacious performers
I hope this section will serve to better understand where this research is coming from when investigating a range of varied topics in Japan, including: co-presence in noh and kabuki theatre, anthropomorphism and technomorphism, apophacy of the virtual and other forms of vocal articulation (karaoke and beatboxing). In these musical duels I battle performers on stage combining virtual instruments and non-virtual ones to take composition and performantive ideas where they have not been seen as yet.