Compositions for flute, clarinet, and computer
Elizabeth McNutt, flutist
Esther Lamneck, clarinetist

Russian Disco (2007) by Ricardo Climent
Primary Colors (2009) by Robert Rowe
Beneath the Surface (2007) by Paul Wilson
Still Angry (2007) by Andrew May
Trio for flute, clarinet, and computer (2007) by Eric Lyon
e++ (2009) by Russell Pinkston
Russian Disco recorded March 21-22, 2009
Sonic Arts Research Laboratory, Queen’s University, Belfast
Session engineer: Christopher Corrigan
Session producer: Ricardo Climent
Editing and mixing: Ricardo Climent
Post-production engineers: Richard Scott, Paul Geluso, Andrew May
Primary Colors recorded April 12, 2009
Merrill Ellis Intermedia Theater, UNT, Denton, Texas
Session engineers: Gregory Dixon and L. Scott Price
Session producer: Robert Rowe
Editing and mixing: Robert Rowe
Post-production engineer: Paul Geluso
Beneath the Surface recorded March 21-22, 2009
Sonic Arts Research Laboratory, Queen’s University, Belfast
Session engineer: Christopher Corrigan
Session producer: Paul Wilson
Editing and mixing: Paul Wilson
post-production engineer: Paul Geluso
Still Angry recorded April 11, 2009
Merrill Ellis Intermedia Theater, UNT, Denton, Texas
April 11-12, 2009
Session engineers: Gregory Dixon and L. Scott Price
Session producer: Andrew May
Editing, mixing, and post-production: Andrew May
Trio for flute, clarinet and computer recorded March 21-22, 2009
Sonic Arts Research Laboratory, Queen’s University, Belfast
Session engineer: Christopher Corrigan
Session producer: Eric Lyon
Editing and mixing: Eric Lyon
post-production engineer: Paul Geluso
e++ recorded October 15, 2010
GAL Recording Studio, UNT, Denton, Texas
Session engineer: L. Scott Price
Session producer: Russell Pinkston
Editing, mixing and post-production: Russell Pinkston